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Rice is the basic food crop and being a tropical plant, it flourishes comfortably in a hot and humid climate. Rice is mainly grown in rain-fed areas that receive heavy annual rainfall. That is why it is fundamentally a kharif crop in India.

Rice, (Oryza sativa), edible starchy cereal grain and the grass plant (family Poaceae) by which it is produced. Roughly one-half of the world population, including virtually all of East and Southeast Asia, is wholly dependent upon rice as a staple food; 95 percent of the world's rice crop is eaten by humans.

  • Health Benefits of Rice

  • May help maintain a healthy weight
  • Brown rice protects against chronic disease
  • White rice supports energy and restores glycogen levels after exercise
  • White rice is easy on the digestive system
  • It's a gluten-free grain
calories : 108
carbohydrate : 22 grams
fat : 1 gram
Protein : 3 grams
fiber : 2 grams
sugar : 0 grams

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